SJECCD Special Meeting - 9/16/2020
Discussing potential partnership with East Side Union High School District
First official discussion of this partnership
Several more discussions expected to hash out the details
Details of next meeting(s) to be determined
Public standing
In overwhelming support
Concern around inclusion of community (student, teachers, parents) voices when designing the partnership
Trustee standing
General support but large number of Trustees expressed concerns:
“Partnership” is very vague
While all stakeholders should contribute their input, a special focus must be placed on community members (students, teachers, parents)
Need to be extra careful with East Side community because they have been traumatized by apathetic leaders and blatant racism from all public systems
Measure G-2010/Measure X Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee (CBOC)
CBOC used to ensure that bond funds are spent the way they were intended to be spent by taxpayers.
Need 1 student active in any “community college support group” at either SJCC or EVC.
Current CBOC meets quarterly, date/time and frequency of meetings up to committee
SJCC ASG will help recruitment efforts by boosting info about opportunity to students
Meeting with Chancellor Byron D. Breland, Chancellor of SJECCD
Please email me if you have something you’d like me to bring up in the meeting
SSCCC - No report
GUIDE50A Class Presentation - 9/14/2020
Informed incoming high school students on how to get involved
Very successful