Meet the Candidates

Running for ASG President
Leif Benson
Hi, my name is Leif Benson. I’m a third semester student at San Jose City College. Apart from my interest in politics, I believe I’m qualified to be President of ASG because I believe in the ability of ASG to make meaningful change to students through my engagement of fellow students to participate in their campus, to bring students together, and to stay inspire proactive thinking and participation. Before attending San Jose City College, I was apart of the Carrillo College Student Government while attending. There, I learned first hand how student governments can enable great events, initiatives, and bills that create a thriving, participative student body. Before attending San Jose City College, I worked as a Lifegaurd at the Santa Clara Swim Club. There, I learned how being proactive lead to desirable outcomes, and working with my fellow life guards and swim instructors on improving the is something I’m proud of.
Being President of the Associated Student Government has many responsibilities; from the leadership provided to the Associated Student Government, to the broader collaboration with outside vendors and inside bodies, such as committees and clubs, to understanding the experience of the individual student on campus or online. All responsibilities of being President of the Associated Student Government work to bring San Jose City College closer to its goal of excellence. Excellence in student engagement, excellence in campus climate, excellence in equality and equity for students, and excellence in taking action. I’m inspired to run for President because I want to inspire fellow students to participate beyond their classes, to create clubs, to join clubs, and take full advantage of the opportunities provided to them at San Jose City College. I believe that the Associated Student Government plays a critical role in making San Jose City College a desirable college for any person to attend. My strengths in bringing students together, in listening to students, in outreach, and my reality of being a student give me a clear insight on how students feel; something that is incredibly important as a representative. I want to improve the schools outreach to students and make sure students not only know of the opportunities and possibilities available to them through programs, clubs, and other services, but are motivated to try them. Student participation in ASG, clubs, and committees is something I want to promote as President. I want to improve organization on the side of ASG, making sure that ASG has clear goals and objectives formatted into a schedule will make sure that we are not caught off guard and left will too little time to create meaningful events.

Running for ASG President
Yang Lei
I was your chief justice for term 2017-2018 as well as your vice president for term 2016-1017 I would love to contribute and get things back on track this upcoming term!
What inspired you to run for student government?
Realizing the power of social change and all of the positive aspects student government brings to the student life of SJCC.
2. What will you hope to gain from joining student government?
I hope to gain more knowledge about government protocols and staying informed and involved so I can help other students in need.
3. How do your strengths relate to the job position you’re applying for?
I have experience in this position but I think my clear and unbiased reasoning is what makes me a great fit for this position.
4. What qualities or experiences do you think you bring to the team?
In this position, I would confidently work with the team and willingly take leadership roles when necessary. I definitely bring knowledge from past semesters that we can utilize to our advantage. I hope to see our school back on track like before covid.
5. What are some ways that you want to improve our college?
Much room for improvement but the main thing I want to focus on is communication with students and utilizing all of our student resources to enrich the student life on and off campus.

Running for ASG Chief Justice
Sabryna R Rodriguez
I was your chief justice for term 2017-2018 as well as your vice president for term 2016-1017 I would love to contribute and get things back on track this upcoming term!
What inspired you to run for student government?
Realizing the power of social change and all of the positive aspects student government brings to the student life of SJCC.
2. What will you hope to gain from joining student government?
I hope to gain more knowledge about government protocols and staying informed and involved so I can help other students in need.
3. How do your strengths relate to the job position you’re applying for?
I have experience in this position but I think my clear and unbiased reasoning is what makes me a great fit for this position.
4. What qualities or experiences do you think you bring to the team?
In this position, I would confidently work with the team and willingly take leadership roles when necessary. I definitely bring knowledge from past semesters that we can utilize to our advantage. I hope to see our school back on track like before covid.
5. What are some ways that you want to improve our college?
Much room for improvement but the main thing I want to focus on is communication with students and utilizing all of our student resources to enrich the student life on and off campus.

Running for ASG President, VP of Marketing
Fadia Zeid
To have a new dance club.
I want to ruined the dance club.

Multiple Positions
Nima Quinn
U.S. Army Reserve Officer, Executive Chef, Bachelor’s degree in Persian Language and Literature, currently getting my degree in Nutrition.
1. To improve my leadership skills.
2. A chance to make a change.
3. I received consistent training on leadership and plan making.
4. My ability to reach out to the Middle Eastern community at SJCC as I can speak Arabic, Persian and Turkish.
5. I can help with budgeting and detailed planning.

Running for ASG Chief Justice, Director of Communications
Mohamad Shaar
I already served on the associated student government as the director of communication last year and I think that my past experience in Lebanon working with refugees reached me a person that values service to others. I also have a bachelor degree in political studies from my home country and I bring my knowledge and experience to ASG. I also work with the International Student Program as a student Ambassador and I also work with the Athletic Department as a student assistant those jobs I had made me familiar with students and staff around campus which gives me a lot of insight on our student life and needs.
What inspired me to run for student government is my passion to serve students and better their college experience in any way possible. I hope to gain experience and connections from the student government as I already know how valuable and important our jobs are as officers now, as student leaders I wish to get to know as many students as I can as it is our mission to be their voice and listen to their needs. I really appreciate communication and I think it is the key to success whatever the job is, I am an easy person to talk to and I am also very patient and calm when performing my duties. As an international student I bring a lot of different things to the team, one of them is the perspective and input of an international student coming from another part of the world, I also bring my knowledge of public policy and administration from my previous work. Some of the ways I think of to improving our college is to get more student engagement as we are getting back to a post-Covid phase, I think we should be having more events on campus. Also, we should try to get affordable housing for students which I think is one of the most important topics our officers should focus on. I think one of the important things is to get more students to be sitting on committees as it is crucial for both the faculty and students to be working together so students voices can be heard.

Running for ASG Vice President of Finance, Director of Resources
Xitlaly Martinez
The rewarding qualities I posses are my abilities to speak publicly, and work in a team. These skills are a product of years of experience. My public speaking began when I as an endorsement speaker for the non-profit SCORES Bay Area. One of my travels took me to New York City to perform a poem for sponsors in the Apollo Theater. To speak towards my team player abilities; I played competitive soccer growing up in San Francisco, and I continue to play recreationally as an adult. Many virtues are gained in teams, like learning to play to the strengths of your teammates, or adjusting your playing style to compliment the team. I learned to be dynamic and I’m very proud to say I don’t let ego or pride obstruct the path to success. My most recent experience in leadership is from being Co-Chair for Science Extravaganza, an organization that exposes underpriveledged San Jose middle school students to STEAM careers. My job was to recruit sponsors from the Silicon Valley, student volunteers from San Jose State University, and of course middle schools in East-Side San Jose. Begining in June of 2020, our organization used the months of fall for outreach where we visited schools and presented STEAM workshops. This past February we hosted our main event. In attendance were 5 middle schools, 8 engineering companies and 25 student volunteers. The greatest challenge I faced as Co-Chair was also the most rewarding; bringing all parties together. Coordinating between our sponsors, student volunteers and middle schools proved difficult, especially in a hybrid setting, but as a Co-Chair who will mentor the succesor, I know I will have more to offer because of the unique challenges I faced. Advocating for the middle school students in a industry that was not created for them or for me is worn like a badge on my chest. I am choosing to pursue office because I know my qualities are sought out for in these environments. I am the candidate for public service officiant of VP of Finance and Director of Resources. My background in non-profit work and outreach exemplifies the importance in which I regard resources. To avoid saying “money makes the world go ‘round”; resources are the difference between a good school and a great one. Financing resources will require a witty and connected individual.
'I dropped out of San Jose State University before the Spring semester of 2020. The contents of that story aren’t fit for an Associated Student Government application, but the things I learned are the main takeaway.
Community college is the ugly duckling of higher education. I want take a popcorn turn in narrating the part where the readers realize it’s not at all ugly and actually very endearing.
Similar to my case, I had to go through 4 years of failing my education to truly tap into what I like doing. I like to work with non-profit organizationg that create an impact on people’s lives.
What does San Jose City College need? I won’t get ahead of myself, first pay homage to the developers that created a community that offers a variety of classes in different concentrations, a spatious library and study resources, programs that promote nutrition and exercercise.
In what aspects can SJCC improve? More clubs, more resources to nurture clubs, more exposure, more marketing, more money flowing into the college to fund an even bigger library, a bigger gymnasium. I’m getting ahead of myself. But I am a dreamer, a doer.
Mental health services are a true rare gem in even the most state of the art, private institutions. As an officer, I would push to fund the mental health departments as to benefit the well being of our students. As an officer I would campaign for funding towards our clubs. If I could, I would yell from the Technology building, shouting about the benefits to involving yourself in clubs and extracurriculurs on campus. How clubs promote social conciousness, happiness and community. How clubs open doors to opportunities and people, professional and casual.
Why do I take confidence in applying to this role? My strengths speak for themselves, and I work hard for them. I am a solution finder, a social and motivated person. More specifically, I have extensive experience advocating for non-profit organizations in the Bay Area, I currently work as a bank teller and I am earning my licensing to administer savings plans for Bay Area families.
I have seen failure and I no longer wish to let myself see it again.
As an officer, I would listen to the voices of the community. Hear me this once and I’ll hear you for the rest of my term.
Thank you,
Xitlaly Martinez

Running for ASG Student Trustee, Director of Communications, Director of Student Engagement
Van Pham
I have a lot of patience in every situation because I used to be a Medical Assistant. Plus, I work hard, be honest, and multitask daily. I know about the computer skill and clerical work, filling, faxing, answer phone.
1. What inspired you to run for student government?
Be flexible and exhibit the potential for leadership.
Improve Your Resume
It’s a Chance to Make a Change
Have a genuine interest in the welfare of others.
Consistently portray qualities of responsibility, empathy, courage, integrity and perseverance
2. What will you hope to gain from joining student government?
I hope the Student council will bring me the opportunity to foster skills like leadership, communication, teamwork, organization and public speaking.
3. How do your strengths relate to the job position you’re applying for?
• Hardworking
• Ability to multitask daily
• Persistent
• Honest
• Punctuality
• Reliability
• Work efficiently
4. What qualities or experiences do you think you bring to the team?
Customer service
Clerical work, filling, faxing, answer phone
5. What are some ways that you want to improve our college?
Only one I want to focus on creating spaces where student can together.

Running for ASG Director of Student Resources
Adrianne Belardes
I am currently a Resource Advocate at Maintenance for Moms, a non-profit that assists single mothers in repairing their vehicles so that they may drive safely on the road with their children. I have used many resources in the community myself to get on my feet and to become established, so I have lived experience that can benefit many other students. My hobbies and interests are helping the community in which I live. I volunteer in quite a few groups that advocate to end homelessness and those who need assistance with community resources.
1. I felt inspired to run for this position because I think there are a lot of resources in the community that individuals may not be aware of, and these resources can help people get to the goals they are trying to reach.
2. I do not necessarily have anything to gain other than reaching a bigger population to assist by running for student government. The more people that are aware of community resources, the more people that can be helped.
3. My strengths consist of lived experience in homelessness, overcoming educational barriers, defeating mental health roadblocks, and being a single mother that is a full-time college student, works, and is the head of the household. I also believe another strength I have is that I volunteer in advocacy groups to end homelessness and advocate for those needing resources.
4. I am willing to learn and take direction. I am task and detail orientated. I am creative. I have many experiences of how I have struggled to, how I am no longer struggling and the resources to share of how an individual can relieve themselves from their struggles.
5. Maybe have a student resource hotline? Or a student email?

Running for ASG Vice President of Marketing, Director of Communications
Trong Le
I have been serving in an Army National Guard with the job title as Financial Management Technician. I held a leadership position in military training. My have a background of working for my family business under various of role such as: customer service, sale, logistics, and accounting. My hobbies and interests are outgoing communication, doing strategic planning to promote services or events, figure out the ways to effectively attract customers and retain them with marketing campaigns.
The inspiration to run for student government in the Marketing field is the challenge it brings to me in my field of interest. I want to serve students in the field of promoting amazing resources to many students that assist them on their academic journey. I hope I will gain more skills, knowledge, and networks necessary to finish my jobs in a good manner. My strengths are managing tasks in an organizational way, knowing what students want to promote services to them, creating effective ways to promote events, services that the college offers to students.. The leadership that I learned in the army will help me manage our teams properly. I have experience in my family business in customer service and handling multitasking. I can serve as a bridge to bring the team together to work with enthusiasm and motivation. One way I want to improve is the website. SJCC needs to build a new website that is student-friendly and less information unnecessary for them. It makes them easier to search. If we can, the extra opportunity for the student to express themself in their own major. For example, create some activities for choreography to dance with vivid music inside campus. With students majoring in Business, we can connect businesses that need students to do their jobs, we can connect students and create the competition to help that business. What groups of students or individuals who perform well will receive an award. It helps them build the resume, also our school have the recognition from other businesses,..

Running for ASG Director of Student Resources
Angela Lynn Soto
I have been in customer service and care my entire career. I was a cheerleading squad captain for 12+ years and I really enjoy leading in a positive and productive manner. I believe in guiding others in the right direction for them. San Jose City College has helped do that for me. I would love to share the knowledge and benefits of being a SJCC Jag with old and new students alike.
1. My wonderful experiences with SJCC through my difficult times and most importantly my ever supportive, hardworking staff in the esthetic program. Mrs. Yellena, is by far my biggest inspiration. She is the one who helped me see light in a time of darkness. She helped remind me how important education and goals are. However, Mrs. Nadji and my counselor Julie Nguyen have helped me reshape my life and find the help I've needed without judgement. When I didn't know I could make it, their encouragement and positivity lead me back to the program I knew I wanted to be in. Wonderful mental health programs and financial assistance are readily available but too many students are unsure or nervous about reaching out. I know I could be a like minded, friendly face to assist and answer and questions. If not, I could at least guide them to the correct staff member to do so without judgement.
2. I am hoping to gain positive and personal communication with student body and staff. The benefit of navigating students concerns or inquires, is enough for me.
3. I have the ability to be kind, patient, understanding and communicative. I never want anyone to feel they cannot accomplish their goals. Not just academically but in day to day life and goals that we all set to achieve a more positive lifestyle.
4. I have an open mind and endless experience. I am a very compassionate, light hearted and an approachable woman. With my previous experiences I think I can really do good for others with the help of SJCC. I appreciate all the work the staff pours their heart into and its given me so much motivation to do the same. I really feel this position is of great importance and I would offer so much support.
5. I look forward to helping guide students in an easy, comfortable and open manner. With the knowledge to all of the resources that are available. So they feel they can talk to me with some of these questions that are emotional and endlessly hard to ask. Times are a bit crazy right now, most don't have the time to look into the wonderful resources SJCC has to offer and don't know how simple it is to receive the help needed. I would really love to help guide students to all the wonderful resources SJCC has to offer to help them succeed.

Running for ASG VP of Marketing
Skyler Alikoi Dy
I am currently the marketing director for the economics club (for two semesters) I have also started my own organization MMIW (Murdered and missing Indigenous women) to raise awareness on the epidemic that Native women face in their day to day lives. My experiences in leadership of marketing have helped me better engage with people! I include social media as a hobby and I keep track of todays current trends and find ways to implement them into the platforms I use to gain followers but traction to my pages. Another hobby I do is educate different communities on Natives, specifically my tribe, Chumash. Being a traditional singer for my tribe I believe it’s important to keep the culture and traditions alive.
What inspired me to run for student government is to build relationships in college. Making friends in a community college during a pandemic has been very challenging and I believe joining a group or club who have similar interests as I do will be a better, exciting way to leave my mark at SJCC!
I hope to gain a few things by joining student government. On the top of my list is connecting with my peers! Social media and technology has been a great way to bring people together through unprecedented times so I hope to continue that cycle by creating a welcoming, engaging platform for students to follow and engage with. Another thing I hope to gain by joining student government is building a stronger community on and off campus. I am originally from Southern California so when I moved to the Bay Area, I didn’t realize how social I was! I believe by creating a safe and welcoming platform online, people will be more inclined to join in person, on campus activities and be active at SJCC.
My strengths are: social, confident, problem solver, excellent communication, socially aware, and adaptable to name a few. I believe these strengths relate to the job position I’m applying for because being social and confident online is what gets people’s attention, as well as educational posts! When it comes to my organizations page, I always maintain conversations and provide additional resources or links for things like further education purposes or learning how to make a ribbon skirt.
Some ways I want to improve our college is to educate not only the students at SJCC about Native Americans, but the staff as well! It’s unfortunate that everyone I’ve come into contact with at SJCC knows little to nothing about Natives and I want to change that. SJCC is built on unceded stolen Ohlone land, people should know the land of the tribe they get to learn off of and attend college! Another way I hope to improve our college is to create a strong sense of community. I hope to make people feel excited to learn at SJCC and provide them with additional resources whether that’s finding clubs that work for them or directing them to the right office to complete forms.

Running for ASG Director of Student Engagement, Director of Resources
Denim Sperisen
I'm an International Student from Thailand. I studied at a private international school called KIS International School and received the IB Diploma. I use to always lead my football team as well as being house captain, with my interest in leadership and communications I believe I did rather well being a leader. Some of my hobbies are Cars, Cryptocurrency, Sports, Photography and Music. I find myself really open to new things so I keep learning and also develop myself as a person.
1. Obviously I'd love to be a part of developing San Jose City College to become a more competitive college and also I feel like I'm a big voice of students hereby also helping everyone transfer to a 4-year university but also make San Jose City College a more attractive place to study for new students.
2. With this being my first time running for something big for San Jose City College, I am coming in with an open canvas. I do have experiences and knowledge but I'm a person that loves to learn more. I'm sure collectively with ASG, we can learn and bounce ideas off one another and grow as a team. I'd really like to become a better leader, get more challenged and tackle new problems by finding effective solutions.
3. Like I mentioned before, I was a leader before and also a president for Student Worldwide Association and I believe I have the foundations to tackle being part of ASG. I also average a 2.0+ GPA in my studies, taking more than 12 credits for more than 2 semesters now.
4. Last semester I was president of Student Worldwide Associate but before this, I was always the leader for my school's house captain as well as a football team. I really believe the goal for me is to unite everyone together, give many inputs on thoughts and opinions on how to improve San Jose City College. I'm also an international student, I have many experiences and knowledge of different cultures from all around the world.
5. Of course there are many ways to improve San Jose City College but from being here for a year now, I realize that some clubs aren't as engaging for the students, some facilities are lacking in technological knowledge, how to prepare students better to transfer to a 4-year university. These are just some of the improvements I'd like to bring to the table. If I was put in the position to improve San Jose City College, I'd definitely look into workshops for both teachers and students and potentially talk with the upper up's about the budget and plans for the school so we're all on the same page and then we can move from there.